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Romania’s Dec Net Salary Up 9.4% M-M, On Yr-End Bonuses

Romania's net average salary was up 9.4% on the month in December to 1.489 lei (EUR1=RON4.2971), mainly due to bonuses, the National Institute for Statistics, or INS, said Wednesday.
Romania's Dec Net Salary Up 9.4% M-M, On Yr-End Bonuses
04 feb. 2009, 10:05, English

Salaries grew at a higher pace in December due to a higher production and negotiations together with holiday bonuses and the thirteenth salary given at the end of the year.

In November, Romania’s net average salary grew 2.6% on the month to RON1,361.

In nominal terms, the salary was RON128 higher compared with the previous month.

In real terms, wages were 9.1% higher on the month.

Employees in the financial services sector had their highest net salaries in December, of RON4,285, while employees in the textile industry were at the opposite end, at RON791.

In agriculture, salaries were up 6.8% on the month in December, to RON1,025.

Net salaries in the industrial field averaged RON1.373 in December, up 12.2% from November salary.

In the energy sector, the average net salaries in December was RON2,421, 19.7% higher than in November.

On year in December, the average net salary in Romania rose 17.6% in real terms, while in real terms, wages in December were up 10.6% compared with the December 2007.