Half Of Romanians Have Lower Income, More Than Half To Avoid Risky Investments – Poll

Publicat: 21 01. 2010, 14:58
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:43

„Only 14% of Romanians said their income increased in 2009, while 38% said their income stayed the same. About 48% of those polled said their income has lowered compared to before the economic crisis,” according to Unlock Market Research.

More and more Romanians expect their income to remain unchanged in the future, as 48% of respondents expected this at the end of 2009 compared to 38% in the April-May 2009 interval.

About 30% of respondents said their income might increase, while 23% said it would continue to decrease. In the previous poll conducted between August and September 2009, 27% of the respondents had said their income was to increase and a similar percentage said they expected further decreases in income.

As far as consumption and investments are concerned, most Romanians choose to rationalize expenses.

„Very few people are concerned they would not manage to maintain a decent standard of living (about 20% in the four polls conducted in 2009) and less than 50% are worried they would not be able to pay their bills. The current economic situation and job insecurity (mentioned by over 50% of those polled) as well as the impossibility of getting bank loans (mentioned by about half of the respondents) thwart investments,” said the study.

Thus, 70% of the respondents will avoid risky investments, such as investments in cars or real estate, while 61% of them will cut spending and make fewer investments in their household.

Besides, 60% of Romanians buy only indispensable products, while 62% of them delay the purchase of more expensive things they need.

People pay much more attention to the quality of the products they purchase (78%) compared to the beginning of 2009 (71%). Besides, purchase decisions are more and more made taking into account prices, and the ratio of those influenced by prices increased from 60% at the beginning of last year to 70% in November.

The Crisis Monitor study was conducted by Unlock Market Research in the April-November 2009 interval in four successive periods. The respondents polled in the survey were aged between 18 and 45 and lived in urban areas.