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Civil Code Sub-Committee Bans Homosexual Couples From Adopting Kids

The Romanian MPs in the Civil Code sub-committee decided Wednesday that two people of the same sex cannot adopt a child, and adoption can only be performed by a couple formed of a man and a woman.
Civil Code Sub-Committee Bans Homosexual Couples From Adopting Kids
01 apr. 2009, 19:47, English

According to an amendment formulated by democrat liberal senator Iulian Urban, to article 479, "two people of the same sex cannot adopt a child together".
Sub-committee president Daniel Buda said at the end of the meeting that the topic is "extremely sensitive" given the matter in question refers to homosexual relations and the MPs practically wanted to ban adoption in such a situation.
The subcommittee debating the Civil Code concluded works for Wednesday and will reconvene Thursday at 0730 GMT.