Italy Should Clearly Motivate Immigrant Expulsions – EU Commissioner
"There is a real problem with Romanians’ crimes in Italy. That cannot be denied. The Italian government will find the best solutions, but only based on European Union principles, which guarantee citizens’ freedom of movement across the EU,” Orban said.
The commissioner didn’t comment on the situation in Naples, where a camp of Romanian nationals of Rroma origin was set ablaze.
Orban said EU laws regarding expulsion are clear.
“The European Union says: no collective expulsions. Individual measures are allowed depending on the gravity of the situation. Those measures will be taken if there is a real, serious threat to public order, health or safety, and the urgency and seriousness of these threats needs to be proven," Orban explained.
"I am no legal expert, but I know that in Romania, as in Italy, people who steal or kill are arrested. I repeat, Europe has it very clear, Directive 38 notes people’s freedom of movement is a fundamental principle and no national law should contradict it,” he said.