National Initiative Party Appeals in Court Electoral Emblem Rejection

The National Initiative Party, or PIN, considers that the decision of the Central Electoral Bureau to reject the electoral emblem of the alliance, whose candidate for the Bucharest mayoralty is its leader Cosmin Gusa is “an attempt against the freedom of competition.”


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National Initiative Party Appeals in Court Electoral Emblem Rejection

The leaders of the party appealed the decision of the electoral bureau, in court as well as with the High Court of Justice.

“We have done nothing illegal, only wanted to come up with an unconventional emblem,” on Sunday told a news conference Lavinia Sandru, PIN vice president.
She added that the party’s electoral message “Cozmin’s list – We are fed up with how much they have stolen from us” is similar to the message that the D.A. Alliance had for the 2004 elections.
“We are being discriminated. Cozmin Gusa is a candidate that has real chances of winning the Bucharest mayor seat,” Sandru said.
The Central Electoral Bureau on Thursday rejected the electoral emblem of the alliance supporting Gusa, following the suggestion of Vlad Hogea and Tudor Chiuariu, representatives of the Conservative and National Liberal Parties within the Central Electoral Bureau.
They said that the PIN emblem looks more like an electoral message than an electoral emblem.

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