NATO Announces Completion of Technical Update for Aegis Shield in Deveselu

The Romanian part of the US Aegis anti-missile shield in Deveselu, Olt county, completed a scheduled technical update on Friday, according to a NATO statement.


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NATO Announces Completion of Technical Update for Aegis Shield in Deveselu

According to the statement, the update is technical in nature and is “part of the US European Phased Adaptive Phase Approach to missile defense, which was announced in September 2009”.

“During the update, the United States fulfilled its commitment to NATO's Ballistic Missile Defense by the temporary deployment of a Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system to Deveselu in Romania. The deployment of the THAAD battery to Deveselu was temporary while Aegis Ashore Romania was offline. The THAAD system will now be redeployed as planned,” NATO announced in the statement.

The Alliance also specified that the shield will remain a “purely defensive system” following the update.

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