NATO PA Adopts Declaration On Moldova Situation At Romania’s Proposal
The NATO Parliamentary Assembly adopted Tuesday, at the proposal of the Romanian delegation, a declaration regarding the situation in the Republic of Moldova, which highlights its major concern with respect to the tense political situation in Chisinau after the Communist Party's April 5 election.
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NATO PA Adopts Declaration On Moldova Situation At Romania’s Proposal
The document also urges Moldovan authorities to respect human rights.
"The NATO Parliamentary Assembly hereby «expresses concern with respect to the tense political situation in the Republic of Moldova after the elections on April 5, 2009» and «expects a real, effective and transparent dialog between the government and the opposition, on the one hand, and that between political forces and the civil society». Moreover, the NATO Parliamentary Assembly «firmly urges the government of the Republic of Moldova to respect human rights and fundamental liberties it committed to apply, including through its joining the Partnership for Peace»", according to a press release of Romania’s National Liberal Party (PNL), which also reads that the declaration of NATO Parliamentary Assembly was created at the initiative of liberal lawmakers in the Romanian delegation, senator Teodor Melescanu and deputy George Scutaru, which was firmly upheld by the entire delegation.
According to liberals, to get as much support as possible, the Romanian delegation head, democrat liberal deputy Sever Voinescu, alongside social democrat deputy Doru Frunzulica and Melescanu, managed to convince lawmakers in Great Britain, Canada, Portugal, Spain, Latvia and Turkey to sign and support the document proposed by the Romanian delegation.
"Romanian lawmakers previously expressed interest in preparations preceding debates within the committee analyzing the civil dimension of security, where talks focused on the report dubbed «Republic of Moldova: internal provocations; the perspectives of NATO integration,» where Frunzulica supported a series of amendments on behalf of the Romanian delegation," according to the press release, signed by Scutaru.
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