Romania Senator Sent To Trial On Corruption Charges

Publicat: 05 03. 2009, 17:12
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:14

The case was sent to the High Court of Justice.
In April 2008 the National Anticorruption Department asked the Chamber of Deputies to approve the prosecution of Miron Mitrea in a casa involving corruption.
According to the National Anticorruption Department, investigations revealed that between 2001 and 2002 Miron Mitrea requested and received from Irina Jianu undue benefits worth over RON520,000, consisting of construction works performed by SC Conimpuls SA Bacau, SC Vertcon SA Bacau and SC Regal Glass SRL Bacau at the building in Pipera, 37D Erou Iancu Nicolae St, owned by the dignitary’s mother.
Anticorruption prosecutors said in exchange for these benefits, Mitrea used his authority and prerogatives as transport minister to appoint Irina Jianu deputy chief inspector within the State Inspectorate for Constructions and later to promote and maintain her within the same institution in the position of general state inspector.
In November 2008, Mitrea was elected senator.