Nearly every other Romanian woman expects sexual intercourse on Valentine’s Day, but only 36% of the women said they would use modern contraceptives, according to a survey released Wednesday by the Society for Contraceptive and Sexual Education (SECS).
Nearly 50% Of Romanian Women Expect Sex On Valentine’s Day - Poll
The study polled 1,110 sexually active women aged 15 to 35, in urban areas.
According to the poll, 46% of the respondents plan to engage in sexual intercourse on Valentine’s Day, but only 36% said will use protection such as oral contraceptives or condoms.
According to the same poll, in choosing a contraceptive, 23% of women prefer to consult their friends, 13% look for information on the internet, while 10% trust their partner’s recommendation. Only half of the respondents said they would consult a gynecologist, family planner or family physician.
Yearly, some 85% of sexually-active women don’t use any contraception and get pregnant.
SECS celebrates Valentine’s Day in Bucharest with a campaign to inform sexually active youngsters about the importance of contraception.
To raise awareness on the dangers of unprotected sex, people dressed up as Cupids will take part in a march.
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