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New Bucharest Mayor Presents Report On City Situation, Quotes Irregularities

Bucharest Mayor Sorin Oprescu on Friday presented his report on the city’s situation, saying he found several irregularities that, if it were not for his appointment as mayor, would have not been made public.
11 iul. 2008, 21:08, English

“I’ve promised that I would not let any skeletons in the closet and that I will show Bucharest citizens what happened to their money. In only 20 days (since his installment – e.n.), together with my team of advisers and experts, I discovered things that would not have been made public ever, if it wasn’t for my election,” Oprescu said.

He said the presentation was the first chapter of a complete report on Bucharest’s situation, called “Quality Estimation at Bucharest Municipality Mayoralty.”

According to Oprescu, the Bucharest City Hall is suffocated by bureaucracy and communication between district mayoralty is faulty.   

Small salaries, which favor corruption, discourage the employees, Oprescu mentioned, adding that technical equipments within mayoralties are “morally obsolete.”

He said several departments with the Bucharest City Hall registered irregularities, saying that directors of such departments are “invited to present their resignation.”

“If they do not resign, I will dismiss them,” Oprescu said.