New Romanian Criminal Code Will Forbid Assisted Suicide

The new Romanian Criminal code will again forbid the killing patients, suffering from incurable diseases that cause permanent and harsh suffering, carried out with their explicit, serious, conscious and repeated consent.


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New Romanian Criminal Code Will Forbid Assisted Suicide

Article 188 of the new Criminal code will forbid assisted suicide. This provision was included in the Romanian code of 1936, as well as most European codes (such as Germany, Austria, Spain, Portugal and Norway).
Article 187 of the new criminal code will include a significant reorganization of the aggravating circumstances of murder in the first degree, qualified murder and manslaughter. The article keeps the conditions under which the maximum sentence, that of life imprisonment, may be applied.
On Wednesday last week, the Romanian Government approved the new draft Civil Code, after approving, the week before, the Criminal Code, the Criminal Procedure Code and the Civil Procedure Code.
The documents have been sent to Parliament, and the Government is committed to get them approved by May.

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