New Terminal Of Bucharest Henri Coanda International Airport To Be Put In Use In March 2011
The construction of the new terminal building of the Bucharest Henri Coanda International Airport will be finalized in November and the terminal will be put in use in March 2011, along with Romania's accession to the Schengen Area.
74 viewsNew Terminal Of Bucharest Henri Coanda International Airport To Be Put In Use In March 2011
"The new terminal will be used for arrivals and departures from and to destinations in both Schengen and non-Schengen space, and it will be put in use in March 2011", airport spokesperson Valentin Iordache said Friday.
Iordache added the airport's capacity will reach six million passengers in 2012.
Investments in the airport's new terminal amount to EUR60 million and construction works are executed by Italian company Astaldi.
Henri Coanda International Airport was certified as international airport under the new legal provisions in the field, which represents a prerequisite for Romania's accession to the Schengen Area. The certification as international airport is part of requirements for Schengen accession and allows fights to non-Schengen states.
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