On September 17, ANRE awarded Tomis Team, one of CEZ’s subsidiaries in Romania, the August permits for the production of electricity from renewable power sources, the group said in a statement.
CEZ is investing EUR1.1 billion in construction of wind farms at two locations in Romania, Fantanele and Cogealac, that when completed next year should have a total installed capacity of 600 megawatts via 240 turbines, making it the largest on-shore wind farm in continental Europe.
The newly issued permits concern the Fantanele location, where CEZ has around 100 turbines already connected to the local power grid, with a capacity of around 250 MW installed power.
The green certificates confer a company the right to emit a ton of carbon dioxide in equivalent within a certain period. The companies buy and sell green certificates according to their pollution targets.
ANRE establishes each year annual quotas of green certificates for the power providers.
The annual obligatory quota of green certificates for the 2010-2012 period is of 8.3% of the total energy sold by a company.