The emergency decree on elections arrived at the Senate, before publishing in the Official Monitor

Publicat: 14 02. 2020, 18:34
Actualizat: 14 02. 2020, 18:37

Interim Senate chairman Titus Corlăţean says there are issues of unconstitutionality raised by the Legislative Council and he hopes that the Ombudsman will refer the law on early elections to the Constitutional Court (CCR).

„I have verified the opinion of the Legislative Council and I have found a number of arguments of the Legislative Council that are the basis of the negative opinion of the Council. It is not only about substantive issues but it is the issues of unconstitutionality that seriously affect the adoption of the emergency ordinance because the request for the opinion was made on February 5, when the Government was already dismissed”, says Corlăţean.

He specified that a discussion on this decree would also take place at the Permanent Bureau on Monday.

„We are going to put it on the agenda of the Permanent Bureau and we will have a discussion there, we will see what are the steps to take on this subject. I took note of the public comments made by the Ombudsman, the only one who can directly attack the Constitutional Court and I hope that this referral will be made”, the interim Senate chairman has said.

The emergency decree regulating organizing early elections for the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate was adopted on January 3, without the opinions of the Legislative Council. The main provisions of the decree are: three days of voting in the diaspora, doubling the number of diaspora lawmakers. Also, in the case of the early parliamentary elections, the date is set at least 50 days before the vote compared to 90 days at present, so they can be organized in advance with 40 days faster than at present. In addition, voters can vote anywhere in the country in parliamentary elections.