Only 1.6% of Romania’s electricity comes from wind farms, much lower compared with Denmark, whose wind power capacity provides 24% of the total energy production. About 14% of electricity in Spain and Portugal comes from wind farms, while around 10% of Ireland’s and Germany’s production is from wind power projects.
In terms of annual installations, Spain was the largest market in 2010, with 1,516 MW newly-installed, followed by Germany’s 1,493 MW. France was the only other country to install over 1 GW (1,086 MW), followed by the UK (962 MW), Italy (948 MW), Sweden (604 MW), Romania (437 MW), Poland (382 MW), Belgium (350 MW), Portugal (345 MW) and Denmark (327 MW), EWEA said.
The rest of the EU member states posted a total installed wind power capacity of 800 MW in 2010.
Germany has the highest wind farm production capacity in the EU, of 27,214 MW, according to 2010 data, followed by Spain, with 20,676 MW, Italy–5,797 MW and France–5,660 MW.
Annual installations in the EU have increased steadily over the past 15 years, from 814 MW in 1995 to 9,259 MW in 2010, an average annual growth rate of 17.6%, the survey reads.
Several companies plan and develop wind farm projects in Romania, including Czech CEZ (350 MW), Spain’s Iberdrola (500-600 MW), Austria’s Verbund (200 MW), or Portuguese Energias de Portugal (230 MW).