Number Of Occupied Posts In Public Sector Dn 36,404 Since Dec 2008 – Fin Min Official

The number of occupied posts in the public sector decreased by 36,404 in the December 2008 and February 2010 interval, from 1,398,867 to 1,362,463 occupied posts, Romanian Finance Ministry secretary of state Gheorghe Gherghina said Friday.


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Number Of Occupied Posts In Public Sector Dn 36,404 Since Dec 2008 – Fin Min Official

According to Gherghina, staff expenses in February this year decreased by 600 million lei (EUR1=RON4.1285) compared to December 2008.

Gherghina said that, in October 2008, the Government reported to the European Commission a number of 1,388,266 occupied posts, adding that, by December 2008, 10,500 other occupied posts were registered.

He said most of the employments were made in the local public authority sector.

The National Statistics Institute (INS) published a research Thursday which revealed that the number of employees in the public administration sector reached 360,000 in October 2009, from 334,000 in October 2008.

INS president Vergil Voineagu said the research conducted in 2009 comprised more public sector activities and, therefore, data cannot be compared to those collected in 2008.

Moreover, data published by the INS do not correspond to those published by the Finance Ministry.

Gherghina said the data published by the ministry are in accordance with the requests of the European Union, adding figures reported by institutions include both the number of employees and the salaries they receive.

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