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Italian Govt Repeals Expulsion Decree, Drafts Another

The Italian government officially confirmed it would repeal the decree allowing the expulsion of EU citizens, minister for the relation with parliament Vannino Chiti said Wednesday, adding a new decree would be issued, according to Italian daily La Repubblica.
Italian Govt Repeals Expulsion Decree, Drafts Another
19 dec. 2007, 12:54, English
The decree had been adopted late October, in reaction to the murder of an Italian woman in Rome, allegedly by a Romanian national of Rroma origin, Nicolae Romulus Mailat.
Italian president Giorgio Napolitano signaled a series of “errors” in the final form of the document, passed by the Italian senate on December 6.
The article contested by the head of state regards severe punishments for people instigating discrimination on gender, race, ethnicity, religion, disability, age or sexual orientation. The article had been introduced in the decree following pressure from the far left.
As it needs the approval of both parliament chambers by December 31, which leaves no time for amendments, Italy’s center-left government decided to repeal the decree.