"Our proposition is to create an Integrity Department within the Health Ministry, similar to that in the Interior Ministry, and have undercover officers test the behavior of healthcare workers," Cumpanasu said.
He also criticized the College of Physicians which, he said, acts “like a union and is very reluctant when it comes to sanctioning doctors”.
Cumpanasu said such integrity tests are “very important in fighting corruption”, but the Health Ministry and other ministries “have so far been exempted from having internal anticorruption structures”, which led to a small number of cases in which public servants were caught accepting bribe.
He added the National Anticorruption Department, or DNA, should create a department to oversee public procurement in ministries.
Cumpanasu said the European Commission is working on a new, intermediary, monitoring report and the Integrity Center is part of the report, therefore its propositions will be backed by the Commission.