According to Ciocan, the woman, Cristina Datcu, aged 21, and her approximately one year old baby girl, landed in the yard of the Russian Church on Ion Ghica street in Bucharest District 3.
Police officers from the 10th precinct and the Bucharest Homicide Division arrived on the scene.
At the moment the reasons for this extreme gesture are unknown, while police officers will establish the causes leading to this alleged suicide.
The medic arriving on the scene, Virica Nicolae, told MEDIAFAX that the woman leaped from the window of a flat in the penthouse of the building, estimating that this is probably a suicide.
When the ambulance arrived, the Datcu and the baby were deceased, according to the doctor.
Virica Nicolae added that Datcu’s sister, brother and brother-in-law were in the apartment from where she leaped. They said they were home when she killed herself. The family said that Datcu’s locked herself in her room and, at one point, there was a loud bang, the doctor added.
According to her family, Datcu was single and had no other children.