Thus, one liter of Top Euro Diesel 4 will cost RON3.34, while one liter of Euro Diesel 4 will cost RON3.26. OMV Premium Diesel will cost RON3.67 and OMV Sprint Diesel will cost RON3.39, the company said.
Unleaded Premium 95 gasoline costs RON2.83 per liter, while the price of one liter of unleaded Top Premium 99+ gasoline remained at RON3.16 per liter. OMV Carrera 95 and of OMV Carrera 100 cost RON2.93 and RON3.56 per liter, respectively.
Early this week, Petrom cut gasoline price by RON0.12 and diesel oil price by RON0.06.
Petrom, majority owned by Austria’s oil group OMV, owns the largest gas station network on the Romanian market, totaling approximately 450 units.