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Kraft Foods Plant In C Romania Halts Production

The Kraft Foods plant in central Romanian city Brasov halted production starting Thursday and all 220 employees left in the plant will receive layoff notices by the end of the month.
Kraft Foods Plant In C Romania Halts Production
20 nov. 2009, 18:59, English

According to Dragos Grigore, union leader at Kraft Foods, production was halted Thursday.

„Basically, the plant stopped production yesterday (Thursday). Now the employees are unfolding maintenance activity, inventory, cleaning and preparation for shutdown,” Grigore told MEDIAFAX.

Employees will receive the notices on November 30, and in the beginning of January 2010 they will enter unemployment.

Kraft Foods Romania, part of US group Kraft Foods, said in November it will close down the chocolate factory in central Romanian city of Brasov by the end of 2009 and will transfer the production to other units of the US group.

The company also said in February it will give 11 to 31 salaries as severance pay to its 440 employees to be laid off, when the company shuts down it chocolate factory.

The first layoffs should have been made in May, but the company decided to postpone them by end-June.

Kraft Foods has annual revenue of over $37 billion, and employs over 100,000 people worldwide.