Hungarians In Romania To Gain Cultural, Territorial Autonomy Over Next 4 Yrs – Official

Publicat: 26 11. 2008, 11:45
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:08

Frunda also said that, 18 years ago, Hungarians re-gained the lands that were once abusively seized, school buildings and churches, adding Hungarians currently have a lot more in the central region of Transylvania than they had during the period in-between the two world wars.
Frunda pointed out that in the 1990s, Hungarians in Romania started to achieve their own goals on the path of democracy, ethnic rights and Rule of Law, and they managed to gain certain rights targeting their autonomy.
In turn, party president Marko Bela said Hungarians cannot feel any joy on December 1 when Romanians celebrate their National Day, stressing this day represents “70 years of agony” for Hungarians.
In his speech, Bela highlighted there are only one million and a half Hungarians in Romania, although there could have been three million, adding they can still represent the will and message of three million people if they all vote on November 30.