Romania Airports To Get New Health Forms Shortly – Official
He said thousands of health forms have been distributed so far.
Romanian Health Minister Ion Bazac said earlier Monday that people flying in the country who do not fill in the form regarding their health or provide false information will be held criminally liable.
His statements came hours after Romania confirmed two new cases of infection with the new H1N1 flu virus, in a 28-year-old woman and her 56-year-old mother who flew in from New York on May 29.
Total swine flu infections in Romania amounts to five.
Bazac demanded increased control measures at borders and airports.
He said medical teams will be assigned as of June 1 to handle epidemiologic triage on passengers flying into the country from the United States.
In addition, people flying in from other countries affected by the new influenza virus, such as Mexico and Canada, will have to fill in health forms at the airports.