Prima pagină » English » Romanian Legislation On Small Agricultural Producers Unchanged – Agric Ministry

Romanian Legislation On Small Agricultural Producers Unchanged – Agric Ministry

Romanian small agricultural producers may continue to sell their stock in markets, as long as they hold producers’ certificates, and occasional sellers of produce will be exempt from the requirement to own electronic cash registers, the Agriculture Ministry said in a press release Monday.
Romanian Legislation On Small Agricultural Producers Unchanged – Agric Ministry
26 apr. 2010, 17:37, English

The ministry said that small agricultural producers will be able to sell their excess production in markets set up by local councils only on the basis of a valid producer’s certificate, issued in accordance with Government Decision no. 661/2001. Therefore, legislation concerning small producers is unchanged.

The Agrostar Federation of agriculture trade unions recently called for small producers to be exempt from the provisions of Government emergency Ordinance 44/2008, which compels them to register as legal persons. The Federation argued that the ordinance would lead farmers to sell their stock through intermediaries.