Doctors will not sign the frame-contract until they reach an agreement with health insurance houses, said family physician representatives Doina Mihaila and Rodica Tanasescu.
They reiterated that starting June 14 patients will pay for medical examinations.
Mihaila said earlier Thursday negotiations with health insurance houses on the provisions of the new frame-contract will continue.
Family doctors said Wednesday, after talks with Health Minister Attila Cseke and National Health Insurance House president Lucian Duta, they would not sign the new frame-contract and would ask patients to pay for medical examinations starting the following week.
Tanasescu said before the meeting family physicians would try to keep primary healthcare units functional, hoping problems would be solved soon.
As family doctors refused to sign the public healthcare contract on June 1 due to disagreements with the National Health Insurance House, patients are unable to obtain discounted medicine and specialist appointments.
Duta told MEDIAFAX Wednesday 35% of family doctors signed the public healthcare contract.
According to Duta, the norms of the new contract state a 10% increase of funds for primary care, while family doctors demanded a 30% increase. He highlighted the state does not have enough funds for a 30% increase.