One Dead In Apartment Building Fire In Bucharest

One woman died and thirteen other people were treated for smoke inhalation after a fire at an apartment building in Romania’s capital city Bucharest on Tuesday night.


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One Dead In Apartment Building Fire In Bucharest

The Bucharest Emergency Inspectorate received reports of a blaze in Pantelimon district at 22.10 hrs Tuesday, spokesman of the Inspectorate, Major Catalin Eftene said.
The fire damaged one apartment in the building, and firefighters had to evacuate 50 tenants due to the thick smoke, Eftene said.
A 70-year old woman who suffered extensive burns was transported to a nearby hospital, but did not survive the accident, Eftene said.
Thirteen other people who received treatment for smoke inhalation were released from hospital. 
Eftene said an investigation into the cause of the fire is under way.

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