One Dead, Sixteen Hospitalized After Carbon Monoxide Poisoning In NE Romania Hotel

One person died and sixteen others were taken to the emergency room in Suceava, northeastern Romania, most likely due to carbon monoxide poisoning in the hotel where they were staying.


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One Dead, Six Hospitalized After Carbon Monoxide Poisoning In NE Romania Hotel

Suceava County Hospital spokesperson Tiberiu Bradatan said the patients complained of drowsiness, nausea and muscle fatigue. He added that carbon monoxide poisoning has not been conclusively found to be the cause.

Hotel owner Gheorghe Filipciuc said air samples have been collected from every room and analyses are underway to determine whether carbon monoxide is responsible. According to the owner, the hotel's 15 rooms are heated using a modern heating station.

Suceava Police department spokesperson Gabriel Pantiru said police have opened an investigation.

Earlier Thursday, hospital manager Mirela Frateanu told MEDIAFAX that seven people might have been poisoned with carbon monoxide and that one died. Suceava prefect Sorin Arcadie Popescu said the hotel had been evacuated and police are investigating the causes of the incident.

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