Only 7,000 Out Of 20,000 Cars Sold In First Stage Of Romania’s Car Park Renewal Program

Only little over 7,000 cars out of 20,000 available within the first stage of Romania’s car park renewal program were sold by the end of April, according to a statistic released Wednesday by the Ministry of Environment.


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Only 7,000 Out Of 20,000 Cars Sold In First Stage Of Romania’s Car Park Renewal Program

The first stage of the program ends at the end of May.

According to the ministry’s data, acceptance notes had been issued for 7,045 cars by April 30. The acceptance note is the final document with which Romanians may buy new cars under the program, using a 3,800 lei (EUR1=RON4.1638) scrap bonus granted by the government.

The most cars sold by April 30 via the program were made by Romanian carmaker Dacia, a unit of France’s Renault. Dacia sold 1,731 cars within the first stage of the program. The Renault/Nissan group sold 1,020 cars so far, Skoda sold 777 cars, while Chevrolet, Opel, Ford and Fiat also sold four-five hundred cars.

According to the ministry, Audi and Lada sold no cars within the program, while Honda only managed to sell tow cars and Mazda five out of the quotas assigned to each car maker within the first stage of the program.

Romania plans to replace 60,000 cars older than ten years in this year’s program, and owners of old cars receive a bonus of RON3,800 to scrap their old cars.

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