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Romanians To Receive Child-Rearing Benefits For Less Time – Labor Min

Romania might provide child-rearing benefits for a shorter period of time, though in the same amount, said Labor Minister Ioan Botis on Friday.
Romanians To Receive Child-Rearing Benefits For Less Time – Labor Min
Oana Gavrila
19 nov. 2010, 13:41, English

The minister said the Government is looking at several ways of changing child-rearing benefits, such as providing this allowance for only one year, instead of two.

Prime Minister Emil Boc said on September 20 that the Government plans to reconsider the child-rearing allowance, to make this type of social benefit less „generous.”

On June 25, the Constitutional Court authorized a 15% cut on child-rearing benefits, on the condition that the allowance amount to at least 600 lei (EUR1=RON4.2972). Before this reduction, the value was equal to 85% of the year’s average net salary for which contributions to the social security budget are paid.