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Romania Officially Confirms Two More Swine Flu Cases

Another two cases of contamination with the new flu virus AH1N1 in Romania were confirmed Thursday, health minister Ion Bazac said.
Romania Officially Confirms Two More Swine Flu Cases
28 mai 2009, 12:12, English

Initial testing on Wednesday had shown that the two, the one-year old son and the father of a 30 year-old woman whose infection with the virus was confirmed Wednesday, had been contaminated but final test results were expected Thursday.

Bazac said all three, along with the woman’s other child, are currently committed to the infectious diseases hospital ‘Matei Bals’ in Bucharest.

The second child didn’t test positive for the AH1N1 virus, the minister said.

The woman no longer has the symptoms of the illness, but will remain in the hospital under surveillance.

The new strain of the influenza virus has already infected some 13,000 people worldwide.

On Wednesday, Romania identified its first case of swine flu in a 30-year-old woman who arrived from New York last week.