Orban: PNL's goal - compliance with constitutional procedures, so as Iohannis to dissolve Parliament

The goal of the National Liberal Party (PNL) is to carry out all constitutional procedures so that president Klaus Iohannis can dissolve Parliament and launch early elections, Ludovic Orban has said after PNL's meeting.


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Orban: PNL's goal - compliance with constitutional procedures, so as Iohannis to dissolve Parliament

According to Orban, PNL has as a fundamental goal the good governance of Romania, the achievement of the major reforms that Romania needs in all public systems and the achievement of rapid economic growth, based on investments, on a partnership between the Government and the private environment.

"Good governance of Romania depends on the existence of a Parliament that is a true mirror of the goals, aspirations, expectations of Romanian citizens. The PNL aims by initiating the anticipated procedure to restore power in the hands of the people, the Romanians", Orban has stated.

The prime minister said all the procedures related to launching early elections are aimed only at giving the Romanians the power, so as to choose an honest Parliament.

"All the procedures that will be carried out from now on will be carried out, from the point of view of the PNL, only to achieve this goal, namely to succeed in fulfilling the constitutional conditions that will allow the president of Romania to dissolve the Parliament and organize early elections", Orban added.

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