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Romanian Rail Co CFR Calatori Eyes Upgrading 150 Wagons For RON330M

Romanian state-run passenger rail company CFR Calatori plans to upgrade 150 wagons over the next four years, for an estimated 330 million lei (EUR1=RON4.2239), VAT excluded.
Romanian Rail Co CFR Calatori Eyes Upgrading 150 Wagons For RON330M
13 aug. 2009, 12:23, English

CFR Calatori will set up an auction and conclude a frame agreement on wagon upgrades, which consists of several subsequent contracts to be assigned every six months. The first contract will be assigned on December 31.

The agreement will be financed from the company’s own revenues.

To take part in the auction, interested investors must submit, among others, a RON3 million guarantee, a list of similar services provided over the past three years and two recommendations from beneficiaries.

Bidders have until October 1 to submit offers and the lowest price is the main selection criterion.