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Romanian Unionists Protest Over Delayed Negotiations On Activity Sectors

Over 150 unionists affiliated to the "Carte Alfa" union federation and the National Union Bloc (BNS) on Wednesday protested at the headquarters of the Labor Ministry displeased that authorities have not yet regulated activity sectors.
Romanian Unionists Protest Over Delayed Negotiations On Activity Sectors

BNS leader Dumitru Costin explained that the lack of a normative act to regulate activity sectors irreversibly compromises collective negotiations. He highlighted negotiations targeting employees are held only with employers.

„I wish the new minister were open to social dialog,” said Costin.

Cartel Alfa leader Bogdan Hossu said the Government violates the law which sets a 60-day deadline to start and finish negotiations.

Hossu added that new Labor Minister Sulfina Barbu scheduled informal meetings with unionists and employers for Thursday. He pointed out that unionists will continue protests until the Government issues the decision setting activity sectors. Meanwhile, union federations have decided to suspend themselves from all social dialog commissions and from the Social and Economic Council.

The labor minister said state secretary Valentin Mocanu will hold talks with unionists on Wednesday. She highlighted discussions will continue on Thursday, when she expects unionists will come up with propositions and solutions to create new jobs.