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Romania Police Arrest Algerian Suspected Of Terrorism Activities

Romanian police on Wednesday arrested Algerian national Kamel Abbachi, who is searched by Italian authorities in connection with terrorism activities, the police said in a statement Thursday.
29 nov. 2007, 21:09, English

Abbachi was placed under preventive arrest and Romanian authorities started procedures for his extradition to Italy, police said.

Abbachi is married to a Romanian woman living in Galati town, eastern country.

Abbachi’s apprehension is part of a wide investigation unfolded by Italian authorities.

Two weeks ago, Italian daily Il Secolo XIX said that Italian police obtained, after intercepting a telephone conversation between two terrorism suspects, indications on the existence of al-Qaeda training camps in Romania, from where terrorists might easily reach Western Europe.

It said investigators intercepted a conversation between two terrorism suspects – Tunisians Jameleddine Ben Mohamed Ben Moussa and Bechir Kaouana – who mention the existence of " al-Qaeda training camps in Romania," where jihad warrior wannabes learn how to build and use explosive devices.

Romanian authorities denied all allegations.