Over 160 Passengers On Romanian Airport Await Plane To Take Off For Turkey
Over 160 people bound to fly for Izmir, Turkey, on Monday morning, are currently waiting in the Romanian airport Henri Coanda for the plane which has not landed yet, airport spokesperson Valentin Iordache said.
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Iordache said an airplane belonging to the company Jetran Air was supposed to arrive from abroad probably with no passengers, and to take off from the Henri Coanda airport at 8.05 a.m. with the destination Izmir, Turkey.
The plane’s delay was triggered by technical problems, Iordache said.
Jetran Air representatives offered assistance to the 169 passengers, of which five are children, and estimated the plane would arrive at 10 a.m. and leave at 11 a.m., but at this moment people are still waiting for the plane to land on the Romanian airport.
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