Over 600,000 Phone Nos Ported In Romania In Three Years, Most Towards Cosmote
Since the service was launched, in October 2008, 612,268 number were ported, of which 411,447 were mobile numbers and 200,821 were landline numbers (for a monthly average of 15,533).
Most phone numbers were transferred to the Cosmote network – 147,061 – followed by Vodafone (137,659), Orange (121,716), RCS & RDS (4,292) and Telemobil (719).
Statistics indicate that subscribers are more likely to port their number than pre-paid card users. Of the total number of ported users, 74% were subscribers and 26% were pre-paid users.
The most ported landline numbers were transferred in Bucharest (54,618 numbers), followed by the counties Cluj (13,160), Timis (11,488) and Prahova (10,341).
Romania has around 26 million mobile network users and around 4 million landline telephony users.