Over 73% Of Romanians Say Media Is Reliable Information Source On Corruption - Poll
Over 73% of Romanians said mass-media is the first most credible source of information regarding corruption cases, according to a survey conducted by the National Agency of Public Servants, as part of a project regarding corruption.
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Over 73% Of Romanians Say Media Is Reliable Information Source On Corruption - Poll
The survey shows that people seldom resort to public institutions and authorities to solve their problems. Over 50% of respondents said they go to city halls to ask for assistance in various problems once a year or not even once a year.
As regards corruption, 36.9% of respondents said they were faced with corruption cases themselves or they found out about corruption cases in the local press. About 86% of them gave examples of such cases, almost 3% mentioned discriminatory treatment, unjustified public procurements (2.52%), as well as politicians and local and central public administration officials involved in corruption cases (21%).
The survey was conducted in the April 28 - May 25 interval in capital Bucharest and five other counties involved in the project.
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