Over 90% Of Romanian Military Pensions Higher After Recalculation - Minister
The Romanian Defense Ministry completed the process recalculating the pensions of military staff on June 1, Defense Minister Gabriel Oprea said Thursday.
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According to Oprea, 90.2% of the 76,885 recalculated pensions are higher. He highlighted no pension lower than 3,000 lei (about EUR720), granted to full-career military staff, have been cut.
Oprea added pension recalculation decisions will be issued between November 1 and December 31, 2011, so that, starting January 1, 2012, retired military staff will receive adjusted pensions.
End-January, the Government approved an emergency ordinance which changed the way the pensions of former military personnel are calculated, after the Constitutional Court ruled unconstitutional a Government decision on recalculating the pensions of military staff, police officers and public servants with special status, who work in penitentiary administration.
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