Over Half Of Romanians Aged 16 To 74 Have Never Used The Internet

Publicat: 14 12. 2011, 16:14
Actualizat: 07 11. 2012, 10:41

Data collected in the first quarter of 2011 reveal that 54% of Romanians aged between 16 and 74 had never used the Internet, the highest share in the European Union.

The EU average stood at 24% in the analyzed interval and fell 18 percentage points over the past five years, from 42% in 2006. Data collected in 2006 showed 74% of Romanians had never used the Internet.

Romania is followed by Bulgaria (46%), Greece (45%), Cyprus and Portugal (41%), Italy (39%), Hungary (28%) and the Czech Republic (24%).

In Sweden, the Netherlands and Denmark, only 5% to 7% of people aged between 16 and 74 have never navigated the Internet.

Eurostat estimates 47% of households in Romania have Internet connection, from 14% in 2006. The share of households that have access to broadband connection increased in Romania from 5% to 31% in the analyzed interval. The EU average increased from 30% to 68%.

In the Netherlands, Sweden and Denmark the share reaches 94%, 91% and 90%, respectively.

Romania and Bulgaria are ranked last in EU regarding online shopping. Only 13% of Internet users buy goods and services online, compared to a EU average of 58%.