Romanian PM Voices Out Govt Priorities

Publicat: 17 01. 2009, 14:59
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:12
Boc said the democrat liberal and social democrat members of the country’s ruling coalition would decide on the form and content of these priorities after they closely look into the matter.
The Prime Minister added the mentioned priorities would be wisely elaborated and then submitted to the Parliament early February, before the start of the parliamentary session.
He also said the government must first adopt the state budget law, stressing the country’s economic growth reached 7-8% in 2008, along with a 5.2% budget deficit.
Moreover, Boc pointed out the executive must also pay the former government’s debts worth EUR1.1 billion.
Boc mentioned the revision of the Constitution, the sole salary system of public sector employees and large investments in the transport, healthcare, education sectors, as well as in district heating rehabilitation, were also included on the government’s list of priorities.
He also added the government aims to boost the country’s economic growth, create jobs and back the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).