
Taxi Drivers Operating On Romanian Otopeni Airport To Charge RON3.5/Km Tops

Taxi drivers operating in the area of Romanian international airport “Henri Coanda” Otopeni are not allowed to charge more than 3.5 lei per km (EUR1=RON4.2495), more than RON3.5 as starting tariff for the trip and RON35/hour as stationing tariff, the airport said in a press release Friday.

Romania 7-Mo FDI Dn 47.9% YY To EUR3.09B

Foreign direct investments, or FDI, in Romania fell 47.9% on the year to EUR3.097 billion in the first seven months from EUR5.948 billion in the corresponding period a year earlier, the central bank said Friday.

Romanian Carmaker Dacia To Make 4×4 Parts, Mulls Two New Models

Romanian carmaker Dacia, the local division of France’s Renault, will extend its product line with at least two new car models and the Romanian plant will start making four by four parts, to be used for the carmaker’s future SUV, Renault’s chief operating officer Patrick Pelata said Thursday

Romanian Govt Stands By Decision To Take Responsibility Despite Unions’ Protest Plans

The Romanian Government maintains its decision to take responsibility for three draft laws before Parliament by the set deadline, to avoid breaching the agreement with the International Monetary Fund and thus losing IMF funds, Prime Minister Emil Boc said late Thursday on public television.

Most Public Sector Wages To Freeze In 2010 – Romanian Fin Min

Romanian finance minister Gheorghe Pogea said Thursday salaries for most public sector employees will freeze in 2010 and will be increased in 2011, while the average growth of the public sector wages will reach 56%.

Romanian Union Confederacies Partially Agree With Unitary Wage Law

Representatives of Romanian union agree with the government’s intention to take responsibility for the unitary wage law on September 15, if after six months they are allowed to make corrections in the normative act.

Romanian Agr Ministry Assigns RON70M To Support Farmers

The Romanian Agriculture Ministry assigned 70 million lei (EUR1=RON42495) to support farmers in the animal husbandry sector and to ensure non-reimbursable co-funding for investment projects within the SAPARD program, whose payments have to be operated next week.

Antivirus Mkr Kaspersky Puts Romania Among The World’s Top 10 Spammers

Romania became, in the first half of the year, one of the top ten suppliers of unsolicited mail in the world, with a share of 3% in the total amount of spam, higher than Spain, Italy, Germany and Ukraine, according to a report by Russian antivirus maker Kaspersky Lab.

Romania New Car Sales Might Total 130,000 Units In 2009 And 2010 – APIA Official

New car sales in Romania might reach nearly 130,000 units in 2009, which could be similar to next year’s level, Brent Valmar, vice-president of the Automotive Manufacturers and Importers Association, or APIA, told MEDIAFAX Thursday.

Romania’s Upetrom Plans To Sell Oil Drilling Installation To Iraq

Romanian oilfield equipment manufacturer Upetrom 1 Mai Ploiesti (UPEX.RO), member of the Upetrom group, plans to sell a drilling installation to Iraq, the group’s spokesperson Radu Petrescu told MEDIAFAX on Thursday.

Romanian Public Sector Employees On General Strike On Oct 5

Romanian public sector employees will picket the Parliament on September 15, call general strike on October 5 and will then refuse to be involved in the presidential elections due on November 22, displeased with the draft law regulating wages in the public sector.

Half Of Romanian Managers Use Software Applications To Monitor Employees

Nearly half of Romanian managers (45.7%) use software applications to monitor their employees’ activity, most of them using two or more such devices, while 35.5% do not use monitoring software applications, according to a poll made by IT services company GeCAD Net.

Deloitte: 34 Romanian Companies Make It To TOP 500 CE In ‘09

Romania’s business environment grew stronger in the past year, while the number of companies that made it to Deloitte’s Top 500 Central European Countries rose by four to 34 companies, the audit firm said in its survey Thursday.

Romanian President Frowns On Strike In Legal Sys, Urges Magistrates To Resume Activity ASAP

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Thursday, during the plenary meeting of the High Council of Magistrates, that the magistrates' halt of activities within courthouses translates into sheer strike, which, he stressed, is against the law.

Romania’s Aug CPI -0.19% MM, Annual Inflation Narrows To 4.96%

Romania's consumer price index fell by 19 basis points in August compared with July, on lower food prices, while the annual inflation narrowed to 4.96%, the National Statistics Institute said Thursday.

Romania Jan-Aug New Car Registrations Dn 60% YY To 81,857 Units

Romanian new car registrations fell 59.4% on the year to 81,857 units in the January-August interval, Interior Ministry data showed Thursday.

Romania Draws 1-1 With Austria In World Cup Qualifier

Romania’s national football team held Austria to a 1-1 draw in a home match Wednesday evening, in group seven of the World Cup qualifiers.

Romanian Mothers Of Multiples To Receive Indemnity Worth RON600, Or 85% Of Avg Income

Romanian mothers of multiples need to choose between an indemnity of 600 lei (EUR1=RON4.2463) per child or an indemnity worth 85% of the incomes achieved in the past 12 months plus RON600 for the second or third child.

Romanian Interior Ministry Able To Rent Houses For Police Officers, Military Staff

The Romanian Government authorized the Interior Ministry to rent houses for a determined period to police officers and active military employees, as the ministry deals with problems in paying monthly rents.

Romanian Govt Could Apply Age Limit To 3rd Degree Invalidity Pensions

The Romanian Government might limit granting third degree invalidity pensions depending on the person’s age and situation, so that this kind of pension will be restricted to people above 45 years of age, ministry sources told MEDIAFAX Wednesday.

Romanian Govt To Meet, Discuss Law Pack Amendments Sunday

The Romanian Government will hold a meeting Sunday to discuss the amendments proposed to the laws for which the it plans to take responsibility in Parliament, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Wednesday.

Romanian Govt To Consider All Relevant Education Law Amendments – PM

Romania’s Prime Minister Emil Boc said Wednesday the Government will take into account the amendments brought by lawmakers to the education laws, if these amendments are in line with the National Pact on Education, the governing program and the existing budget resources.

Romanian Ctrl Bker Says Economy Will Revive As Of Q3 Or Q4

The Romanian economy will return to growth in the fourth quarter, if not even in the third quarter, on a favorable base effect, central bank governor Mugur Isarescu said Wednesday.

Foreign Exchange Offices In Romania Obligated To Display Highlighted Rates, Overall Fees – Draft Law

All foreign exchange offices in Romania are obligated to display the exchange rates together with all taxes involved, according to a draft law improving the Government Emergency Ordinance on consumer protection, which the Senate passed Wednesday.

Bks Risk Helping Clients Too Late – Romanian Ctrl Bk Gov

Banks had exaggerated reactions, although partly motivated, and might decide too late to help their customers, central bank governor Mugur Isarescu said Wednesday.

Romanian Indus Likely To Take First Steps Toward Recovery – ING

Romania’s industry is likely the first sector to recover from recession, but it might not be enough to support a growth of the gross domestic product, an ING Bank report showed Wednesday.

Romania To Begin Vaccination Campaign Against AH1N1 Virus In Dec – Health Min

Romania's Health Ministry said Wednesday Romania will begin the vaccination campaign against the AH1N1 influenza virus early December.

Leasing Companies To Report On Overdue Payments To Romanian Bank Risk Central

Leasing companies included in the National Bank of Romania’s Special Registry are compelled to register with the Bank Risk Central by December 30, where they will report on clients’ overdue payments, the Association of Financial Companies – ALB Romania said Wednesday.

Romanian MEP Gigi Becali Appears Before Prosecutors In Kidnapping Case

Romanian MEP and football club Steaua Bucharest financer Gigi Becali appeared Wednesday before the General Prosecutors' Office in the case where he is charged with the kidnapping of three people who had stolen his car.

Romania Outrun By Botswana In World Bank’s Ease Of Doing Business Top

Romania fell ten positions to the 55th place in World Bank's "Doing Business 2010" ranking, which analyzes the regulations that favor or constrain the business activity in 183 economies, lagging behind states such as Bulgaria, Azerbaijan, Botswana or the Baltic countries.

Romanian Jan-July Trade Gap Narrows To EUR4.86B

Romania’s trade deficit narrowed in the first seven months to EUR4.86 billion from EUR13.16 billion in the same period the year before, the National Statistics Institute said Monday.

Romanina Govt Mulls Continuing The Car Renewal Program In ’10

Romanian Government plans to continue the car park renewal program in 2010, after it has already increased the number of scrapped cars and the scraping bonus in 2009, Government officials said after the meeting between Prime Minister Emil Boc and Renault official Patrick Pelata.

Romanian Tourism Min Inquiry Comm Requests Criminal Probe

Romanian MP Ludovic Orban, chairman of the committee investigating expenses approved by the Ministry of Tourism, said the committee’s final report specifically recommends the initiation of criminal investigations against tourism minister Elena Udrea.

Romanian BCR Restructures Loans For 2,500 Late Payers

Romania's largest lender Banca Comerciala Romana, or BCR, restructured loans for just 2,500 individuals, although it has contacted around 90,000 customers in this respect, Tuesday said Stefan Coroianu, head of the bank' s retail loans division.

Romanian Rompetrol To Cut Fuel Prices By Up To RON0.05/Liter

Romania’s second-largest oil group Rompetrol, owned by Kazakhstan's KazMunayGaz, will cut Wednesday its gasoline prices by 0.05 lei (EUR1=RON4.2382) per liter, and the diesel oil prices by RON0.03 per liter.

Romanian Govt Advised To Review Grammar, Logic Flaws In Law Packs

The Romanian Legislative Council sent the Government a plea for added care in writing, annexing some 50 pages of corrections aimed at grammatical and logic mistakes noted in the three laws for which the Executive intends to take responsibility in Parliament.

Romanian Lower Chamber Rejects Senate Chairman-CSAT VP Causality

Acting upon a Constitutional Court ruling, the Romanian Chamber of Deputies unanimously rejected Tuesday the emergency government ordinance amending the High Council for National Defense (CSAT) law, which enabled the Senate chairman to become the Council’s vice-president.

Romania Transp Ministry Readies Law Pack For Railway Sector

Romania’s Transport Ministry is working with the Romanian Railway Authority (AFER) and the National Center for Railway Qualification and Training (CENAFER) on a draft law meant to regulate operations in the railway sector, which will be completed in October.

Romania’s Annual Inflation Seen At 5.1%-5.3% In Aug – Analysts

Romania's annual inflation accelerated to 5.1%-5.3% in August from 5.06% the month before, with the consumer price index seen unchanged or slightly higher on the month, analysts said in a survey Tuesday.

IMF Sends 2nd Review Mission To Romania In Oct-Nov

The International Monetary Fund will conduct late October or early November a second review on Romania’s progress in meeting the terms of a EUR19.95 billion IMF-led aid package, a fund's representative told Mediafax Tuesday.