
Parent Bks To Ink Bilateral Agreements With Romanian Ctrl Bk In 30 Days

The parent banks of the main nine lenders in Romania will sign, in maximum 30 days, bilateral agreements with the National Bank of Romania on keeping the financing lines at the value from the end of March.

Romanian Social Democrat Head Set To “Rebuild” Ruling Coalition If Elected President

Romanian social democrat head Mircea Geoana said Tuesday evening at Realitatea TV that if he wins the presidential elections due this autumn, it will be necessary to “rebuild” the current ruling coalition and the Social Democratic Party (PSD) will have to take the helm of the future government.

Potential Bks Over-Taxation Is Proof That Govt Mulls Keeping Funds In Romania – PM

The potential over-taxation of the profits obtained by foreign banks in Romania was mentioned as a sign that the government wants the money to remain in the country, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Tuesday, adding the authorities count on the partnership inked with the lenders.

Romanian Govt Signed EUR900M Financing Contracts For EU-funded Projects

The Romanian government signed financing contracts worth EUR900 million, since it was installed in December 2008, which target projects also financed from European Union funds and it will assign this year over EUR770 million for rural development projects, Romanian Premier Emil Boc said Tuesday.

Romania Military Bonuses Temporarily Halted, Not Cut Out – Def Min

Romanian Defense Minister Mihai Stanisoara on Tuesday said the radiation and confidentiality bonuses in the military sector have been temporarily suspended, not cut out, and that no other bonuses are targeted.

Forty Romanian Roma Agreed To Leave Italy In Exchange Of Money – Press

Local authorities in the Province of Pisa, Italy, repatriated 40 ethnic Roma Romanian citizens who agreed to leave Italy in exchange of sums ranging from EUR500 to EUR1,500, AGI news agency reported on its website.

Romanian SMEs May Submit Online Unemployment Statements As Of May 19

Romanian small and medium-sized enterprises in Bucharest and surrounding Ilfov county can submit via www.e-guvernare.ro, starting May 19, online statements on the registration of insured employees and contributions to the unemployment security budget toward the National Employment Agency (ANOFM).

Foreign Bks’ Pft In Romania To Be Overtaxed If Financing Lines Aren’t Kept – PM

The Romanian government will implement tougher measures, like over-taxing the profits obtained by foreign banks in Romania, if they do not keep their financing lines in the country, breaking thus the agreement reached in March in Vienna, Prime Minister Emil Boc said Tuesday.

Romanian Deputies Ok Additional RON600 Child Indemnity For Each Baby From Multiple Birth

Romanian deputies adopted Tuesday, with 216 "pros," 2 "cons" and 4 abstentions, a legislative initiative, which stipulates that women who give birth to twins, triplets or multiples will receive for each baby an additional indemnity of 600 lei (EUR1=RON4.1548) starting with the second child.

Romania Jan-April Car Industry Up 2.1% YY To 83,042 Units

Romania’s auto industry rose 2.1% on the year in the first four months to 83,042 units, Romanian Association of Car Manufacturers and Importers (APIA) said in a statement Tuesday.

Privatizations, Public Acquisitions Should Be Sealed On Bourse – Romanian SMEs Min

Privatizations and public acquisitions in Romania should be made through the Bucharest Stock Exchange to eliminate any suspicion as to the correctness of the operations, Constantin Nita, the Minister for Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises, Commerce and Business Environment, said Tuesday.

Romania New Car Sales Dn 35.7% In Apr, Dn 50.8% In Jan-Apr

Romania’s new car sales decreased 35.7% on the year in April, to 14,884 units and by 50.8% on the year in the first four months, to 44,558 units, according to the Romanian Association of Car Manufacturers and Importers (APIA).

Romanian Tourism Seen Up 15% If Romanians Use Holiday Tickets To The Max

The Romanian Tour Operators’ Association Agency (ANAT) sees Romanian tourism increasing 15% this year if holiday tickets are used to the maximum, agency spokesman Traian Badulescu told a news conference Tuesday.

Romanian Justice Ministry On Schedule With Reforms – Minister

Romanian justice minister Catalin Predoiu said Tuesday in his hearing before the Senate’s commission for legal matters that the ministry is on schedule as regards EC required reforms.

Romania To Capitalize CEC, Eximbank, Exempt Reinvested Pft From Taxation As Of 2H – SMEs Min

The capitalization of Romanian state-owned CEC Bank and Eximbank, the setup of the fund co-guaranteeing loans for small- and medium-sized enterprises and the tax exemption on the reinvested profit will be made in the second half of 2009, the country's SMEs Minister Constantin Nita said.

Romanian Legal Code Enactment Has Become Political Dispute – Justice Min

Romanian justice minister Catalin Predoiu said Tuesday before the Senate's legal committee that the development of the legal codes has become a political dispute after the meeting held on February 26 at the presidential palace.

Depeche Mode Bucharest Gig Might Be Rescheduled For July Or September

Depeche Mode’s concert in Bucharest could be rescheduled for July or September, after the show set for May 16 was cancelled over the lead singer’s state of health.

Romanian President Admits Disappointment Over Country’s Ruling Coalition

Romanian President Traian Basescu said late Monday during a meting with the Romanian community in Paris, France, that he disappointed himself too when he decided, in December 2008, to back an alliance between democrat liberals and social democrats.

Time Warner Completes $241.5M Deal For 31% In Broadcaster CME

U.S. media group Time Warner Inc. on Monday said it completed a $241.1 million deal for a 31% stake in Central European Media Enterprises (CME), owner of Romania’s media trust PRO TV.

Romanian Actor Nicu Constantin In Critical Condition

Romanian actor Nicu Constantin was admitted to the ICU at the Military Emergency Hospital in Bucharest with severe pulmonary affection and his current situation is critical, hospital commander, General Doctor Ioan Sarbu said Monday.

Japan’s SEWS To Shut Dn Polish Plant, Transfer Prod In Romania

Japanese auto cable maker Sumitomo Electric Wiring Systems (SEWS) will close down a factory in Poland and will transfer its production to the units it owns in Romania, Monday said Florin Ionut, economic manager and administrator of SEWS Romania.

Raiffeisen Bank Romania May Reschedule Up To 2,500 Loans

Raiffeisen Bank Romania plans to reschedule 2,000 to 2,500 loans, currently analyzing 250 cases, the bank’s president Steven van Groningen told MEDIAFAX on Monday.

Romanian Seaside Hotels Forced To Lower, Even Negotiate Fees

The small number of customers has forced hotel operators on the Romanian Black Sea coast to consider reducing their fees, even though they are even than prices asked by tour agencies, Romanian Tourism Employers’ Association general secretary Dragos Raducan told MEDIAFAX Monday.

Romanian Cos Buying EU Goods To Pay VAT Monthly As Of May – Tax Watchdog

Companies buying products from the European Union member states will pay monthly, as of May, the VAT due to these operations, and not quarterly as before, within a measure aiming to lower tax frauds within the European Community, Romania’s tax authority ANAF stated Monday.

Romanian Bran Castle Officially Becomes Private Property

Bran Castle in Romania has officially been transferred into the ownership of Archduke Dominic of Habsburg and it is running as a private museum as of 12.00 p.m, Corin Trandafir, the attorney of the House of Habsburg, told MEDIAFAX.

Romania Ranks 19th In Top Of Attractive Destinations For Outsourcing Serviceso

Romania has improved its position as an attractive destination for outsourcing services, ranking 19th, up 14 positions over the last two years, according to a classification of management consulting firm A. T. Kearney, mainly due to the improvement of the business environment score.

Romanian Tourism Assoc To Draft A Top 100 Of Tourist Areas Lacking Toilets

The biggest problem claimed by foreign tourists in Romania is the scarcity of toilet facilities in tourist areas and the Romanian Tour Operators’ Association Agency will start a campaign to indentify areas lacking such facilities.

Romanian Govt To Take Responsibility For Criminal, Civil Codes Early June

The Romanian government will take responsibility in Parliament for the Criminal and Civil Codes at the beginning of June, democrat liberal vice-president Gheorghe Flutur said Monday after a governing coalition meeting.

Romanian President’s Visit To France Targets Stronger Romanian-French Partnership

Romanian President Traian Basescu said his two-day official visit to France, on May 18 and May 19, aims to strengthen the strategic partnership between Romania and France.

Romanian President At A Loss To Run For New Term

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Sunday evening at Realitatea TV that he neither confirms nor denies his potential candidacy for a new term, stressing he had put up with "tons of humiliations" over the past four years and a half.

Romanian President Sees Justice System On The Right Path

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Sunday evening at Realitatea TV that prosecutors sent to court over 20 files targeting politicians, which proves things in the justice sector have taken a good turn.

Marius Lacatus Steps Down As Steaua Bucharest Coach

Marius Lacatus resigned as coach of FC Steaua Bucharest on Sunday, May 17, according to a release on the football club’s official website.

Romanian Presidential Palace Overcrowded On “Open Gates” Day

Romanians rushed to visit the presidential Cotroceni Palace during the “Open Gates” event on Sunday, which managed to bring thousands of people together.

Romanian Posta Romana To Get EUR50M Loan From EBRD Until End-Oct ’09 – Min

Romania’s state-owned postal company Posta Romana will get a EUR50 million loan from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), until the end of October 2009, for investments in mail sorting centers in Bucharest and Cluj-Napoca, communications minister Gabriel Sandu said Sunday.

Austrian Strabag Appeals Auction Result For Romanian Comarnic-Brasov Hwy Segment Constr

Austria’s Strabag Group appealed the result of the auction for the construction of the Comarnic and Brasov highway segment, which was won by the consortium formed of France’s Vinci Concession and Greece’s Aktor Concession, Adrian Ionescu, director with Romania’s Transport Ministry, told Mediafax.

Romanian Bancpost CEO: Keeping Banking System Liquid, Solvent Is A Priority

Mihai Bogza, CEO of Romanian lender Bancpost, told Mediafax that keeping the banking system liquid and solvent is a priority in times of economic crisis, adding that profit increase, although important, come second.

Romania Places 19th At 2009 Eurovision Song Contest, Norway Wins Trophy

Romanian singer Elena Gheorghe and her song "The Balkan Girls" placed 19th in the grand final of the 2009 Eurovision Song Contest early Sunday, May 17, in Moscow, while Norwegian singer Alexander Rybak won the contest with the upbeat ballad "Fairytale."

EBRD Signs EUR20.3M Financing Agreements With Romania’s Arad, Brasov Mayoralties

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) concluded Saturday, in London, financing agreements worth a total EUR20.3 million with Arad and Brasov mayoralties, in western and central Romania, meant to refurbish local infrastructure.

Romanian PM Upbeat On Govt’s Ability To Revive Ailing Economy

Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc said Saturday in northwestern city of Cluj-Napoca, at the launch of democrat liberal candidates for EP elections, that the government managed to curb the effects of the economic crisis, adding "Romania’s economy is likely to revive in the second and third quarters."

Romania’s Economy Is Not In Recession, Despite 6.4% Decrease In 1Q GDP – Pres

Romanian President Traian Basescu said Saturday, at the Congress of Romanian Students’ Union, that Romania’s economy is not in recession, despite the 6.4% contraction of the gross domestic product in the first quarter of 2009, adding the economy actually saw an upward trend in April.