School Administrative Board To Make Decisions, Principal To Have Executive Role – Draft

Publicat: 04 07. 2009, 14:01
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:24

School administrative boards will consist of an uneven number of members and will be 50% represented by teachers and 50% by parents and public authorities, according to the draft which is under public debate on the Education Ministry’s website

The school principal will be part of the administrative board. Principals will be appointed following a contest organized by the board and the approval of school inspectorates. The draft sets that school inspectorates will appoint principals with the approval of mayors.

The act also sets and regulates attributions of local and central authorities, school inspectorates and schools.

The creation, disbanding and reorganization of pre-schools, elementary schools and secondary schools will be made at the proposition of local councils, with the approval of the school inspectorate, based on quality standard evaluations. For high schools and vocational schools, propositions regarding the creation, disbanding or reorganization of units may come from the county council.

Local councils will pay from local budgets all the costs entailed by such actions, including the costs of evaluations. Local councils will also finance the requirements of school units.

Under the draft, school units propose schooling plans, which are then approved by local councils.

The structure of the school year and duration of classes will be established each year by the Ministry of Education.