Romania’s Privatization Authority To Sack 155 Employees – Sources

Publicat: 15 04. 2010, 16:21
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:52

The Government passed a resolution approving the layoffs in its meeting Wednesday.

„The government resolution doesn’t include any provisions regarding a potential disbanding iof the institution,” the sources said.

AVAS head Aurelian Popa told MEDIAFAX in February the institution might lay off 150 employees to fit into the budget it was assigned for this year

Sources said at the beginning of the year the Government was looking into disbanding the agency wither by merging it with the Economy Ministry’s Office for State Participation and Privatization, or by creating a new department in the ministry. Government spokeswoman Ioana Muntean said at that time AVAS’ restructuring could be considered within the Government’s bigger plan to restructure and lower the number of government agencies.