Romanian MPs Approve Nomination Of New Min In Charge Of The Relation With Parliament

Publicat: 20 12. 2008, 17:54
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:10

“Thank you for your vote. (…) I continue to be member of this Committee and of the Parliament,” Ponta said after having received the approval of the two legal committees of the Chamber of Deputies and of the Senate.

The National Liberal Party and the Magyar Democratic Union in Romania vetoed his nomination.

During the parliamentary hearings, Ponta said he will secure the parliamentary control over the Government, which will be less formal and more efficient.

He pointed out that the activity as Minister for the Relation with Parliament entails 95% technical work and 5% diplomatic activity.

Ponta committed to call for the reduction of the number of Emergency Ordinances of the new Cabinet.

“From my viewpoint, abuse of Emergency Ordinances is specific to a Government that lacks parliamentary support (…)”, Ponta said.

He ensured that no emergency ordinances issued by the new Cabinet will lack the reason for the urgent character, as stipulated by article 115, paragraph 4 of the Constitution.

According to article 115, paragraph (4), the Government may adopt emergency ordinances only in extraordinary situations whose regulation cannot be postponed, with the obligation to offer the grounds for the emergency character in their content.