Romania Green Party Head Set To Vote “Against” Basescu In Dec 6 Presidential Runoff
Cernea, who obtained 0.62 % of the votes in the first round of elections on November 22, called on his voters to cast conscience votes on December 6, adding the 60,000 votes he obtained in the first round were „clean” votes and cannot be traded.
He also said he voted for Basescu in the presidential elections back in 2004 to prevent social democrats and their presidential contender at that time Adrian Nastase from getting the helm of the country.
Basescu, who represents Romania’s political center and is backed by democrat liberals, and leftist leader Mircea Geoana will face off in the presidential election runoff on December 6.
Results of the first round of elections show Basescu in the lead with 32.44% of the votes and Geoana with 31.15%. Liberal leader Antonescu got 20.02% of the votes, which he will direct to Geoana in the runoff.