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Romania Allegedly Hosts Al-Qaeda Training Camps – Paper

The Italian police has clues, from phone tappings of terrorism suspects, that al-Qaeda has training camps in Romania, from where terrorists can easily go to Western Europe.
Romania Allegedly Hosts Al-Qaeda Training Camps - Paper
13 nov. 2007, 13:45, English
According to Italian daily Il Secolo XIX, the Genoa police intercepted a phone conversation between two terrorist suspects, Tunisians Jameleddine Ben Mohamed Ben Moussa and Bechir Kaouana, who mention the existence of "al-Qaeda training camps in Romania", teaching future jihad warriors to build and use explosive devices.
European secret services have long suspected the existence of a clandestine Balkan route for Islamic terrorists, and Romania’s accession to the European Union turned the country into a gateway to the west, the paper notes.