Patria Credit IFN Gets EUR2.5M EFSE Loan to Fund Farmers

Patria Credit, the non-banking financial institution owned by Patria Bank Group, which funds farmers and farming micro-enterprises, received a EUR2.5 million loan from the European Fund for Southeast Europe (EFSE), it said in a press release Tuesday.


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Patria Credit IFN Gets EUR2.5M EFSE Loan to Fund Farmers

The loan facility will allow the company to increase access to local currency financing for farmers, agricultural producers, and rural entrepreneurs in Romania.

“We are pleased to have the strong partnership and support of EFSE in pursuing our mission: to increase financial and social inclusion in rural areas. The loan will enable us to further help the growth of agricultural producers, small farmers, entrepreneurs and local communities,” said Raluca Andreica, general manager of Patria Credit.

Patria Credit has been an EFSE partner lending institution since 2006. Besides the financing received so far, it has benefited from various technical assistance projects supported by the EFSE Development Facility.

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