Unirii Area Has Bucharest’s Most Expensive Old Flats – MagazinulDeCase.ro

Publicat: 08 10. 2009, 12:23
Actualizat: 06 11. 2012, 09:31

The cheapest old apartments in the capital city are situated in Berceni area, according to the property website MagazinulDeCase.ro.

The survey was drawn up between July 1 and September 30 according to the sale prices of 462 old apartments, traded between individuals and eliminating first- and last-floor flats, the website shows.

Homes in Bucharest’s exclusivist residential areas Herastrau, Primaverii and Casin were not included in the survey due to the lack of real estate transactions. Ferentari, considered the capital’s poorest neighborhood, was not included due to the same criterion.

According to the classification, Bucharest’s most expensive area is Unirii, with EUR1,862 per square meter, followed by Cotroceni – EUR1,848/sqm and Victoriei – EUR1,820/sqm, while the most affordable neighborhoods are Drumul Taberei, where the price is of EUR1,083/sqm, Pantelimon – EUR1,034/sqm and Berceni – EUR1,011/sqm.

In the July-September period, the average trading price per square meter of old apartments located in Bucharest’s central areas stood between EUR1,311 and EUR1,524, where the lowest price was recorded in Pache Protopescu area and the highest in Nerva Traian.

The survey included Nerva Traian, Dacia, Stirbei, Sala Palatului, Kogalniceanu, 1 Mai, 13 Septembrie, Mosilor and Pache Protopopescu streets in the category of Bucharest’s central areas.

In neighborhoods as Tei, Iancului, Vitan, Stefan cel Mare, Colentina, Militari, the average price of the old apartments starts from EUR1,294/sqm.

MagazinulDeCase.ro is an online service promoting the offers posted directly by homeowners, at a fixed price and charging no fees.