In the case of national short numbers for harmonized social services, the general form will be 116(xyz), where xyz stands for a certain type of service. The numbers have pan-European identity and are used for the same types of services across the European Union.
Calls to numbers of the form 116(xyz) will be free of charge.
The European Commission has so far established three short numbers for harmonized social services, which will also be available for allocation in Romania.
Thus, the number 116000 was reserved as a hotline for reporting missing children, available non-stop, the number 116111 was reserved for a child helpline and the number 116123 was reserved for emotional support helplines, allowing callers to benefit from a sympathetic ear without judgment. The lines will give moral support to individuals who suffer from loneliness, are in a state of psychological crisis or thinking about committing suicide.
The number 116112 will not be allocated, to avoid confusions with the single emergency call number 112, the draft decision states.
When the decision takes effect, the regulator will post on its website the 116(xyz) numbers available for allocation.
Phone directory information services will use numbers of the type 118(xyz).
The allocation procedure for 118(xyz) numbers will be initiated shortly after the decision takes effect.
The draft decision on unified short numbers for social and information services across the European Union is available on the telecom regulator’s website, where suggestions and observations are accepted until March 13.